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Love Your Enemies

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love your enemies

This was inspired by one of my favorite authors, Robert Greene. This is a 34-part haiku chain poem. Some of the haiku even rhyme. I think that I’ll call my rhyming haiku Haiku Rhyme Chains.

I have a series on Twitter under the handle #loveyourenemies and I will release quick lessons around the various tweets as an info product later this year or early 2014.


“Love Your Enemies”

© 2013 Tyrone Turner

All rights reserved.

They give you focus.
They ignite your passion and
make you determined.

You will learn who you
really are. Adversity
alone will show you.

Colin Powell said,
“Get mad, get over it then
get going.” Wise words.

Do not let anger
consume you to the point of
becoming reckless.

Do not waddle in
the cesspool of self pity.
It yields no results.

When one is prepared
a counter-strike will be an
unpleasant surprise.

You were not supposed
to be able to respond.
They thought you beaten.

Little did they know
how thick and impregnable
your castle’s walls are.

How deep your moat
and accurate your archers.
The oil pours so hot.

They thought you to be
alone, but you have allies
and wise advisors.

What foes may do to
you – or attempt to do, may
indeed be heinous.

However, do not
hate them. Hate blinds you. It makes
you brash and reckless.

Be thankful for what
they teach you. For how they push
you to new limits.

JFK said, “Fix your
roof when the sun is shining.”
Not when its raining.

Use times of calm to
fortify your defenses.
Prepare for battle.

Be not the one to
be called an aggressor, but
one who defends well.

That way, perhaps your
reputation will serve as
a deterring force.

To sum this all up
take the time to remember
this haiku chain rhyme:


To your rivals you
owe a debt. Pay them back by
not getting upset.

Work to get even
instead. Psychological
warfare hurts their heads.

Their greed and lowly
scruples give them gall to run
into a brick wall.

That wall is one of
your castle’s walls. Now you have
them by their damned balls.

You don’t have to turn
the other cheek. Not when its
justice that you seek.

Do all you can to
keep the peace. However, do
not let good sense cease.

Be patient and let
things take their course then ride-off
on your swift white horse.

It is a sweet thing
to give them a kiss and watch
their pants soil with piss.

Kind of like how Mike
told Fredo, “I know it was
you.” Smell the doo-doo?

Be well-schooled in the
compiled teachings of Robert
Greene. Know what I mean?

Read The 48
Laws of Power
so over
foes you will tower.

Learn from the book The
33 Strategies of
to tilt the score.

“What would Jesus do?”
Well, look what they did to him
so they will screw you.

Kill them with kindness.
The unjust will think you dumb,
blind and mindless.

Feigning weakness is
a smart way to cope. Ali
called it “Rope-a-Dope.”


Learn who is who. Friend,
foe, or frenemy. Just please
love your enemies.